Jara Mabey has had a good start of products decorations and designs inspired on her clothing for the film. Isidro Ahuatzi turn is next.
This troublesome duo are the main characters of this film project. And after 2 years on pause due to a divorce, I am getting back to revive them, so to speak.
I will start a redesign of Isidro and later will make some alterations to Jara. The film story will stay 90 to 98% similar, but some changes will happen, since time has passed.
With all the world politics and current issues the film has more relevance now than when I started the new version. As I mentioned in a previous post – writing as Boris Carmashrov – , this story was born around 1995 to 1997. I just had learned about Rwanda and that I was in college completely unaware of the horrors that were happening while I was comfortable in my college dorm. It made a horrible impression on me how we can be doped to think “all is good” around the world.

Traces’ film project is centered on Isidro and Jara.
Isidro’s background is Caribbean but not just the islands. It includes the nations of the different coasts around the Caribbean. For that reason his clothing bare resemblance of their multiple cultures. Just like Jara’s background is South American and her products are based on her clothing, so it will be with Isidro.
The story of this film has a lot to do with the injustice that societies are stained with, around the planet. But more importantly, with the resilience of humanity to raise above it all. In every situation we can find the resistance and the resilience that keeps hope moving forward.
I use science fiction stories to talk about real social issues. Rwanda’s genocide during the civil war of 1994 made me change course with my career. I knew that I had to use my skills to portrait the beauty of humanity, and find those moments and it’s possibilities and talk about them. The atrocities of that genocide, that I read about after the fact, and the horror that mass media was not covering it while I was in college made any “future career” plans completely mute on the shadow of their pain.
So, the illustrator, trained in traditional art forms, became an animator and bounced from contract to contract trying to find a way to do what my heart knew, but my mind did not understand. It took a long road, and some personal pain, but now here I am. With my flagship project, among 11 “unfinished” scripts I started around the same time and that need the same amount of polishing as this one got, and will continue to get for the foreseeable future.
The characters of this story are going to show why I am a humanist and why my writing is now dedicated to humanity. I know we can do better. And I know we need to do better.
The film project is not a love story.
It is an exploration of the potential of humanity by presenting alternative views and possible outcomes of past historical events. The film project presents what civilization could be, or at least one option. Of course, it is my opinion and my views. But I bet there are many out there that share those views.
These last two years have seen wars and what is wrongfully called “conflicts” between nations and a current genocide in the making. I know it feels like nothing is possible to stop them. I have succumbed to the negative feelings myself multiple times. But I want to use my voice and skills to give hope to others, and together, to not feel so powerless in the face of this circumstances.
Come with me to witness the making of this film project, which I hope to get back on track in the near future and demonstrate that not even a nasty divorce from an heartless individual managed to destroy my hopes of becoming a voice for humanity enlightenment. Do I claim to be enlightened? No. I claim to want to be, and to be working toward accomplishing it in the future.
Please help the production by purchasing some of the products, current and future ones, that are based on the film art and would make great gifts for all occasions. Your purchase will help finance the film project.
Until the next post, From the Creator’s Pen.